Saturday, June 30, 2007
I Have A Beer, You Have A No Beer Beer
I'll never take a chance on an unfamiliar 6-pack again. Earlier today I purchased a sixer of Shiner Blonde, having been a fan of Shiner Bock, which I tried for the first time during one of my trips to Austin, TX. The Blonde isn't terrible, but it totally lacks a finish. The taste is just kinda THERE and that's it. Oh, I'll finish every bottle, to be sure...it's a sin to waste beer. But I can't afford to spend my meager allowance on a brew that isn't totally kick-ass, nawhamsayin'?

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hitchens vs Sharpton II

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Are You Ready For The Summer?
But, the real excitement of course is going to come at the end of the summer, during Sexual Awareness week. We import two hundred hookers from around the world, and each camper, armed with only a thermos of coffee and two thousand dollars cash, tries to visit as many countries as he can. The winner of course is named King of Sexual Awareness week and is allowed to rape and pillage the neighboring towns until camp ends.
Friday, June 15, 2007
My Ol' Kentucky Home
I live in Northern Kentucky and have for most of my life. But if I'm outta town, travelin', or chattin' it up with folks online, I usually say I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. It's not cuz I like Cincinnati, or dislike KY, cuz I don't. It's just a geographical convenience. Most folks have heard of Cincy (good or ill) and it's just 15 minutes up the 'spressway and 'cross the mighty Ohio River. From now on, however, I'm gonna give props to the great Commonwealth in which I was born and reside. Here's why...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wot's A Fucking Wobble Board?
This notorious bit of audio, recorded surreptitiously, never fails to crack me up. A must-hear for any fan of This Is Spinal Tap, the details and the MP3 file can be found

Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Some Weird Sin
A fetish is sometimes described as "any nonsexual object or concept that can arouse erotic feelings in a particular person". We, as adults, are pretty familiar with most of your common objects of fetishism: hair, shoes, leather. But

Monday, June 11, 2007
New Reads And This Sopranos Nonsense
Finally got a hold of Anthony Bourdain's A Cook's Tour. I read Kitchen Confidential when it came out years ago and really enjoyed it, but why they tried to turn it into a sit-com...I dunno. His show on the Travel Channel, however, is very good. The Food Network is awful anymore and I can't watch it, so No Reservations gives me my exotic food and travel fix. I wanna read The Nasty Bits and Typhoid Mary, but I'll prolly stay away from Bourdain's novels, despite my admiration for his writing style. I can't seem to get into fiction anymore. I may re-read an old favorite, such as Fred Exley's brilliant A Fan's Notes, or Donleavy's The Ginger Man, two books that are never far from my nightstand...uh, I mean milk crate, but fiction doesn't do anything for me lately. There's so much to learn out there and so little time. Certainly, fiction can often get closer to the truth of something like human emotion, but I'm a frickin' robot, so...And I like history.
Which brings me to America's Uncivil Wars: The Sixties Era from Elvis to the Fall of Richard Nixon, by Mark Hamilton Lytle. "The Sixties" have always been grist for my mill, so I'm really lookin' forward to this one. Also in my bailiwick is Seriously Funny: The Rebel Comedians of the 1950's and 1960's. (I seem to favor books with subtitles). Mort Sahl, Woody Allen, Dick Gregory, my man Lenny Bruce, and many others, analyzed and put into historical perspective.
I've always been a fan of The Sopranos, but I'm not gonna pollute the InterWeb with a tiresome assessment of the series finale. I enjoyed it and thought it was fitting. To those idiots who insist on speculating beyond the ending and the dimensions of the fictional world that is The Sopranos I say, "Get over it!" Did you see Tony get whacked? No! Then he didn't get whacked. Case closed. Yes, it's fun to use one's imagination, but television is not a highly participatory form of entertainment. Your input doesn't matter. We weren't voting on Idol. Ya' wanna participate, get a box of crayons!
You may notice that I have finally terminated my boycott of YouTube. I mean, fuck, I"m BLOGGING fer chrissakes, so what the hell.
My computer seems to be limping along okay so hopefully I'll be able to post more and more often...like anybody gives a shit. HULLO? Hullo? hullo? Dig that echo.
Which brings me to America's Uncivil Wars: The Sixties Era from Elvis to the Fall of Richard Nixon, by Mark Hamilton Lytle. "The Sixties" have always been grist for my mill, so I'm really lookin' forward to this one. Also in my bailiwick is Seriously Funny: The Rebel Comedians of the 1950's and 1960's. (I seem to favor books with subtitles). Mort Sahl, Woody Allen, Dick Gregory, my man Lenny Bruce, and many others, analyzed and put into historical perspective.
I've always been a fan of The Sopranos, but I'm not gonna pollute the InterWeb with a tiresome assessment of the series finale. I enjoyed it and thought it was fitting. To those idiots who insist on speculating beyond the ending and the dimensions of the fictional world that is The Sopranos I say, "Get over it!" Did you see Tony get whacked? No! Then he didn't get whacked. Case closed. Yes, it's fun to use one's imagination, but television is not a highly participatory form of entertainment. Your input doesn't matter. We weren't voting on Idol. Ya' wanna participate, get a box of crayons!
You may notice that I have finally terminated my boycott of YouTube. I mean, fuck, I"m BLOGGING fer chrissakes, so what the hell.
My computer seems to be limping along okay so hopefully I'll be able to post more and more often...like anybody gives a shit. HULLO? Hullo? hullo? Dig that echo.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Saturday, June 2, 2007
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