Wednesday, June 11, 2008

People I Don't Know...But Hate Anyway (No.1)

Jeff Probst
Talentless hack. Hate him...hate his show.


BUMBLE!!! said...

I don't know him, but you know what I hate (and I'm ready to come back to blogging just to rant on it)?

Chin studs. Women who have metal hanging out from under their lips. Not rings, which suck but don't seem to be omnipresent. Chin studs.

Truly a sign that the wearer is a spaz of immense proportions (unless worn by you or those you care about).

BUMBLE!!! said...

I don't know him, but you know what I hate (and I'm ready to come back to blogging just to rant on it)?

Chin studs. Women who have metal hanging out from under their lips. Not rings, which suck but don't seem to be omnipresent. Chin studs.

Truly a sign that the wearer is a spaz of immense proportions (unless worn by you or those you care about).